Creativity Development Laboratory



Welcome to the website of the Creativity Development Laboratory, which operates in the premises of the School of Philosophy, under the supervision of the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The information you will find on our pages addresses students, psychologists, educators, teachers, parents and those involved in the study of creative thinking, creativity and innovation.

The Psychology of Creativity, as an interdisciplinary field, includes the study of the psycho-social and psycho-educational dimensions of creativity and creative thinking. One of its goals is to bring academic researchers and professionals into contact and cooperation, inside and outside the educational system, in order to enhance theory, research and applications of creativity in branches of science and in arts (visual, literary, and performing arts).

It also aims at the design and evaluation of psycho-educational and psychological counseling interventions to support, and develop all forms of creativity and innovation, both in the general population, and also in individuals with exceptional creativity, giftedness and/or talent.

Arista - Ενημέρωση Γονέων και φίλων για τα Χαρισματικά παιδιά χαμηλών Επιδόσεων